Wednesday, October 15, 2008

33 years old and loving life

So at our house birthdays are a BIG deal. I cannot tell you how many times my little girl asked me who was coming to my party (at least 5 times). When I explained to her that adults usually don't have birthday parties like little kids do she proceeded to tell me, "I don't want to be an adult, I want to be a kid"! Oh the cute things our children say. But yesterday, my birthday was a big hit in my book even though I didn't have a "kid birthday"! I got to have lunch with my man and then he made dinner, cleaned up, gave the kids a bath without me involved in any way, and then my sister, Abby came over with a chocolate cake with strawberries on top (my fav), and I opened my presents from them. I got new walking shoes (which I needed desperately), a J-peg so I can store all my pictures on it and not ever loose them, an MP3 player so my kids think it's cool to ride with me in the car too, and I got the new Beverley Lewis book (should I do what I need to do or should I read??). Then the ultimate thing we did was Nathan's idea. At school, on a kid's birthday they make a poster for them with nice things about them on it. Mine had 33 on it and it was filled with "I like her pizza, mac-n-cheese, Zatarans" statements. Hmmm-you think the key to their hearts is food? What a great way to start year number 33! Koodoos to my family!


Kim said...

HI! I get to leave the first comment, Yipee! And I get to be your first official follower too. I am hononred. Of course I need to appologize though because I was a dork yesterday and TOTALLY forgot to wish you happy birthday, so...HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY FRIEND. You are a true treasure in my life.

Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Welcome to blogger land... now you will see every odd moment as a possible "bloggable moment!" ;)

Alan said...

Happy Day Con-
we are on vacation so I am so sorry I didn't call. Will touch base when I am back next week. Sounds like you had a fab day.
love you,

Buhler family said...

Hi Connemara, Welcome to the blog world. Happy Birthday too!! Can't wait to give you hug. See you tonight.

hollybengtson said...

I sure miss you guys! Seriously.. I tear :o) Thanks for sharing life's great moments with everyone! I love you (Happy B-day!)

Marlayna said...

You can't possibly be 33 y/o. You look as great as you did 15 years ago. Happy birthday Conne. Love you and miss you.